For People, by People

Every day, countless interactions with service providers shape our experiences with brands. At RateMe, we recognise that these moments are often defined by the soft skills of the individuals we encounter—skills that profoundly impact our satisfaction but frequently go unrecognised and unappreciated.
Inspired by a series of remarkable service experiences during the Dubai Expo 2020, RateMe was conceived as a platform to honor exceptional service in a meaningful way. More than just a gratuity, RateMe offers a lasting tribute to service excellence, fostering a culture of recognition and reward across various industries.
Our platform transcends traditional HR systems and customer review tools that fail to capture the essence of human interaction. By integrating customer and peer feedback, RateMe provides a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s performance, highlighting areas of excellence and opportunities for growth.
For businesses, RateMe offers invaluable insights into employee soft skills, enabling them to not only measure but also enhance and reward these crucial traits. For service providers, it serves as a career development tool, empowering them with feedback that validates their efforts and propels their professional growth.
We are on a mission to redefine feedback, making it as integral to business success as any product or strategy. We believe that recognizing and nurturing talent leads to unparalleled service experiences, driving customer loyalty and business growth. Join us as we celebrate and elevate the human element in service—because great people truly do bring great results.
Our Journey
From a spark of inspiration to a transformative platform ready to launch, RateMe’s journey has been filled with invaluable learnings and will continue to evolve until we reveal all its values to businesses and employees.
Mar. 2022
The idea for RateMe was formed
Jun. 2023
Tech development started
Jun. 2024
Pilot release with key clients
Oct. 2024
Official launch target date