Frequently asked questions
If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for here, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team via our contact page.
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What is RateMe and how does it work?
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What are the different features available?
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How is RateMe going to change the way we value humans?
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Why is RateMe beneficial for my business?
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I am not a service business, can I still benefit from using RateMe?
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Does RateMe integrate with other platforms?
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How easy is it to implement RateMe in our organisation?
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What level of security does RateMe provide for sensitive HR data?
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Why should I care about RateMe? What is in it for me?
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What happens if I receive a negative rating?
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Who can see my ratings?
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Is my RateMe account information open to the public?
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Can I keep my RateMe account after I leave a workplace?
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Why should I care?
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What’s in it for me as a customer?
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Can I share my ratings on social media platforms?
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Can I see a service providers’ rating on the app?
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